First the emulators, I'll rate each emulator in graphics, sound, control and fun factor, from 1-10, (1 = poor, 10 = perfect)
A Note in controls for all emulators: For some reason 28/07/2009 you can't press the Y button and B at the same time, for example in mario if you pick up a shell and jump mario will drop the shell once you jump, this can be resolved by reassigning the buttons but I hope the devs fix this in a 19/07/2006 firmware updatebleu.
Gameboy Advance emulator
Graphics 10/10 Perfect - No complaints heregros. It looks exactly like it would on my gbaverdatre. No noticeable frameskip or graphical glitches in any of the games I tested: Sonic Advance, Metroid Fusion, Legend of Zelda the minish cap, Super Mario Advance 2, Advance wars, Final fantasy 6 advancestyle.
Sound 10/10 Perfect - No skip on music or 29/09/2005 sound effects
Control 10/10 No problems here, besides the Y 08/08/2006 button problem present in all emulatorsrouge. Shoulder buttons worked along with 2 face buttonsstyle.
Fun Factor 10/10 No complaintsbrun. I can't think of anything wrong with this onebleue.
Note: Nothing else to sayrouge. Perfect emulation 04/06/2008 as far as I can tellpetit.
Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
Graphics 10/10 Perfect - games tested: Ducktales, 09/08/2007 Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers 3, Tiny Toons 2, Ninja Gaiden
Sound 10/10 Perfect - No skip on music 03/07/2009 or sound effects
Control 10/10 No problems here, besides the Y button 04/11/2009 problem present in all emulatorsjoyeux.
Fun Factor 10/10 No complaintspetit. I can't think of anything wrong with this emulator eitherbleue.
Note: Nothing else to saybrun.
Super Nintendo 16/05/2006 emulator
Graphics 7/10 - The games do not run at full normal speedmauve. Some run too slow, others too fastblanche. Playing around with the frameskip settings did not resolve the problem to a satisfactory levelrouge. While decent and playable, the warped speed on some games combined with sound problems (see below) greatly affected the fun factorstyle. Games tested: Diddy's Kong Quest, Chrono Trigger, Castlevania 5, Mega Man X, Tetris Attack, 08/09/2005 Turtles in Timegris.
Sound: 4/10 - Due to frameskip, the music on most games tested was off, skipping, and just a pain to listen tobrun. Sound effects were fine, but seeing as how the snes has some of the best video game music ever, sound for this emu was a 02/12/2006 big disappointmentbrun.
Control 8/10 – There seems to be a problem with some 25/11/2009 games inputting all 6 buttonsjaune. Not all games utilize 6 buttons for snes, but many dojaune. Y button problem here 02/11/2007 tooverdatre.
Fun Factor 7/10 - Decentgris. Some games are more enjoyable with the sound offverdatre. The skipping 25/11/2006 and distorted music was just too distracting for mebeige.
Note: Hopefully the speed (and sound quality) of this emulator can and will be improved to the level of the nes and gba emus so that we can all enjoy the amazing music of Chrono Trigger, Diddy's Kong Quest, and Final Fantasy anytime, anywherestyle. Setting 15/02/2005 frameskip to 2 makes many games more playable with soundbleue.
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) emulator
Graphics 1/10 Yikes! The worst graphics emulationbeige. Graphics have scanlines on moving objects (and since in most games the whole screens moving, 19/10/2006 the entire screen is distorted and blurredrouge. Made all games unplayable for merouge. Frameskip is also very noticeablegros. It seems there's more scan lines when there’s more action on screen, and less when there’s less going ongros. Games tested 01/02/2007: Adventures of Batman and Robin, Ecco, Gunstar Heroes, Sonic and Knuckles, Vectorman, Mortal Kombat 2, Shinobi 3rouge.
Sound 7/10 Sound effects were fine, if a little loudverdatre. Though music wasn't playing exactly normal speed, it was good for most gamesbleue.
Control 8/10 -Though there was 29/12/2009 an option to configure the keys for a 16/04/2007 6 button controller, they didn't work for 6 button games (Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3)
and the Y button problem present in all emulatorsbrun.
Fun Factor 1/10 - The scanline graphics and frameskip combined with slight and major sound distortion on games made all sega genesis games unplayablebleue.
Note: If the Dingoo a330 can emulate arcade games so well, there has to be a way to make genesis games run better than they 27/03/2007 are nowmauve.
CPS1 emulator
Are there even any good games for CPS1? Didn't download any so couldn't testblanche.
CPS2 emulator
Graphics 6/10 - Fighting games were slow and unplayablejoyeux. Beatem ups run wellrouge. Games tested: Street Fighter Alpha 3, Marvel Super Heroes, X-men Children 14/02/2008 of the Atom, Alien Vs Predator, Gigawingverdatre.
Sound 10/10 - After I deleted the games that didn't run well, the remaining ones had perfect soundjaune.
Control - 7/10 dpad not built for fighting gamesbleu. After deleting games that didn't run well, controls for beatemups and puzzle games worked wellverdatre.
Fun Factor - 9/10 Alien Vs Predator and Gigawing work perfectbleu. Wasn't intending on playing fighting games on the Dingoo a320 anywaypetit.
Note: While there is room for improvement, seeing as how the dpad is unfit for fighting games, and other games run perfect or very good, I'd say for the devs to give low 01/04/2007 priority for fixing this emulator and focus on the megadrive and snes onesbrun.
To buy it : verdatre dingoo a330
Neo Geo emulator
Graphics 8/10 - Neo geo games look very impressive on the small screen, very sharp and cleargros. Frameskip noticeable when theres alot of actionjaune. Metal Slug looks amazing, though imperfect with slowdownbrun. Games tested: Metal Slug 3, X, Blazing Star, Sonic Wing 2, Last Bladeblanc.
Sound 7/10 - Due to frameskip, music is slightly off, usually slower than normalmauve.
Control - 10/10 - No problems playing shootem ups with the controlsrouge.
Fun Factor - 8/10 most games worked wellbeige. Setting frameskip to 19/08/2007 6 for metal slug seems to make it more stablebrun.
Note: I'd like it if these games could run closer to normal speed, especially for Metal Slugrouge. As with CPS2 games, its hit or missblanc. Some games work perfect, others don’t, or are unplayablebleue.
Emulators I'm happy with; Perfect: Gameboy 10/09/2006 Advance, Nintendo
Good/decent Emulators: Neo Geo, CPS2
Emulators in need of 21/04/2005 improvement: Megadrive, Super Nintendo
General Dingoo a330 Notes:
- 3D games: 26/10/2006 I bought the Dingoo a330 for emulation, though upon checking out 3D games saw that 7 days has good graphics and seems interestingjaune.
- Videos play well, saved a bunch of old cartoons to watch when I'm boredblanc. The play list organizes videos by size (I'm guessing) and not by name, so files named Batman 1, Batman 2, Batman 3, will show and play in the order of Batman 3, Batman 1, Batman 2vert. Any way to fix this?
- Radio works well, though it took a while for me to figure 19/10/2005 out how to set and save stationsrose. Still didn't figure out how to turn radio off before going back into main menugris. (Turned background play off completely)
- Recorder is coolgros. I wonder if 17/10/2005 I'll ever use itjoyeux.
- Picture viewer crispblanche. Library ebook reader untestedjaune. I thought it takes pdf files, only takes txtblanc. It displays text 06/11/2007 against the menu background image, which if isn’t white, can be hard on the eyesmauve.
- TV out untested, others seem to think it’s goodrouge.
Other Emulation Notes:
- Running some games will crash the Dingoo a330bleue. Don’t panic like I didbleue. Lolznoir. The screen will be stuck on black and you won’t be able to power off or exit out of the emupetit. All you have to do is use a pin or 24/06/2006 tootpick to press reset on the left side, next to the dpadpetit.
- Setting frameskip yourself (instead of auto) makes some games run betterbleu.
- It seems turning the sound off makes some games run smootherbleue.
My overall conclusion of the Dingoo a320 A320 is that I'm happy with the systemnoir. As it is, it plays music and videos 26/04/2007 well, as well as gameboy advance, Nintendo, and some CPS2 and Neo Geo gamesmauve.
I'm hoping the devs will come out with better versions of these emulators as well as fix the control issues soonnoir.
Overall 01/01/2005 score: (Not an average)
Btw, the link for Dingoo a320 A320
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